Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 remedies for asthma attacks that can help save your life

It seems these days that their are many remedies for asthma attacks. However deciding what kind of remedies to use can be a daunting task. You have so many people saying this will work or that will work, but in reality, everyone is different. A remedy may have a more powerful effect on someone, but have a less effect on someone else. However, that does not mean you should not try out the different asthma remedies to see what works for you. With that being said, I have a quick list of remedies that may be of use to you. It is my hope that they help you during an asthma attack. Try each one out to see if you are comfortable with it. You can choose to use all or just a few of these remedies for your own personal use.

Watch what you eat
This is something you may not think of very much, but what you eat, or even drink can cause an asthma attack. By watching what you take in, you can prevent an attack. You might ask “Well what exactly do I need to watch out for?” Well for starters you must start limiting you dairy product intake, as well as cutting down on sugar and salt. Salt actually increases the risk of an attack, so its best to avoid it.

Cut down on caffeine and soft drinks

We all know the addicting nature of caffeine on your body, but it also can raise the risk of having an asthma attack. Now before you start saying “I can’t give up my soda!!!” just relax. You don’t have to quit cold turkey. Just start small and work your way up. In fact by switching from soft drinks to water, you soon realize that water actually cuts the mucous in the throat that causes the problems with your asthma symptoms.

Get out and take a walk
Who knew a remedy like this could have so many benefits. Just getting out and stretching your legs for a while can really put you in a better mood to face the day. However, did you know that walking can help build up your endurance to future asthma attacks. By walking every day, or as often as you can, you help build your body’s system up to fight those things that could cause an asthma attack.

Well, there you have it. These are just a few remedies that you can use to help prevent an asthma attack. However you may be asking, “Well these seem simple enough to follow, but are their other remedies  that are proven to help as well?” Well yes, actually there are. For more information on the other kinds of asthma remedies out there, Click here to learn more